Paul White Gold Eagle ~ Plum Village (Shakuhachi Flute Song)

3 years ago

Paul White Gold Eagle plays Shakuhachi in tribute to the Life of Zen Buddhist Master Thích Nhất Hạnh. The title of the song is "Plum Village"

The Plum Village Tradition is a school of Buddhism named after the Plum Village Monastery in France, the first monastic practice center founded by Thích Nhất Hạnh. It is an approach to Engaged Buddhism mainly from a Mahayana perspective, that draws elements from Zen and Theravada.

A shakuhachi is a Japanese end-blown flute that is made of bamboo.

The bamboo end-blown flute now known as the 'shakuhachi' was developed in Japan in the 16th century and is called the fuke shakuhachi . A bamboo flute known as the kodai shakuhachi (古代尺八, ancient shakuhachi), which is quite different from the current style of shakuhachi, was introduced to Japan from China in the 7th century and died out in the 10th century.


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