Senate approves $40 billion in weapons, food aid to Ukraine | USA TODAY

2 years ago

The bill now heads to President Joe Biden for his signature. This is triple the amount of aid the U.S. has already committed to Ukraine for the war.

The Senate Thursday approved more than $40 billion of additional humanitarian and military assistance for Ukraine as the last aid package was expected to run out this week.

The bill, which now heads to President Joe Biden for his signature, is triple the amount of aid the U.S. has already committed to the war-torn country trying to beat back Russia's invasion. It passed 86-11 with most Republicans joining every Democrat in approving the bill.

The aid package will "meet the large needs of the Ukrainian people, as they fight for their survival," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said right before the vote. "It's a fight we cannot turn away from. By passing this emergency aid, the Senate can now say to the Ukrainian people, "help is on the way'."

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