Covid was the first fear pandemic. Proof here. Monkeypox is the next fear pandemic & NOT REAL. WTFU!

2 years ago

The evidence of Covid being fake is now so overwhelming that only those who cannot pull their heads from the sand will continue to believe it is real and live in a fear-based environment that is totally IN THEIR OWN MINDS!

This is a fantastic, simple to understand video done by an expert who knows what to look for.

If anyone buys into the approaching monkeypox virus as being real, you deserve the fallout of any shot you get for it, and you know that will be just as planned by the Deep State - the "jabs" kill people and you will become just another idiot lining up to get your death jab.

Now, it is not only survival of the fittest (and that would be the unvaccinated), but it is the survival of the smartest (masked, fearful people who comply with no questions asked are not in that group).

Source of this video: Patriot Alerts Telegram Channel:

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