How to play Monopoly Disney Villains

3 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Monopoly Disney Villains quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original rules of Monopoly, check out this video:

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The rules are the same as regular monopoly, except for these changes. There is no cash instead there are coins. During setup, give each player 5 silver tokens and 5 gold tokens. The silver tokens are worth 1 money and the gold are worth 5 money. Shuffle the poison apple cards and place them face-down on the board. Properties are called contracts and utilities are called Spells and Potions. Each player takes their token’s matching character card and places it in front of them. Put the flame of power by the board. Instead of houses and hotels, there are thickets and Lairs, that do the same thing.

Whenever you land on or pass go, in addition to collecting 2 money from the bank, you also take the flames of power from another player or from next to the board and place it on your token. Whenever your token has the flames of power you can use your character ability. You can use your character ability as many times as you want, when the conditions are correct, so long as you have the flames of power.

When you land on a vehicle space, you may choose to move to any property on the board and follow the rules of the property you move to. If you pass go while doing this, then you do not collect 2 silver coins from the bank no take the flames of power. If you already have the flames of power and you pass another player, then you do not activate your ability.

The price to get out of jail is 5 money, and, since there is only 1 die, instead of rolling doubles, if you roll a 6 you are released from jail. If you don’t roll a 6 by your third turn in jail, then you must pay 5 money. If you go bankrupt you are eliminated from the game and the last player remaining, wins.

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