How to play Beware of the Bear

3 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Beware of the Bear quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to have the most goodies. Insert papa bear in his cave until you hear a click. Fill up the basket with the goodies. Close the cave door and place the basket of goodies nearby. The youngest player goes first then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn you roll the die then perform the action rolled.

If you roll a basket, then you get to take 1 goodie without poking papa bear. If you roll a hand, then you get to steal 1 goodie from any other player. If no other player has a goodie, then do nothing. If you roll a times 1 or times 2 poke the bear, then you must open the cave door and press the bear’s belly until you hear a click once or twice depending on what which you rolled. If papa bear doesn’t wake, then close the cave door and collect goodies from the basket as indicated by the number on the die. Then your turn ends and the next player goes.

If papa bear does wake up, it will shoot into the air. If a player catches papa bear before it lands on the table, then nothing happens. But, if no player catches papa bear, then every player must put one of their goodies back in the basket. The game is now over and the player with the most goodies wins!

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