Is Answer to Gun Psychos MORE Arms for Everyday Americans?

2 years ago

Second Amendment: Self-Defense in All Venues

Mindless Murders Continue: After consecutive mass shootings occurring over a few days, Americans are numb from the suffering of enduring the slaughter of the innocent. Tears, hand-wringing, accusations and demands for disarming all Americans follow, like rain tracks clouds. But is broad disarmament the only answer to the slaughter of the innocents? No, and here’s why.

First, America’s Birth was premised on the right to bear arms, entirely apropos for wilderness colonies where wolves and bears were plentiful, and much fare was taken in wild environs. Also, with often tenuous relations with natives, there was a need to always be ready to repulse attacks.

Second, Colonial Arms keeping of arms handy was merely a continuation of the English Duty to Bear Arms when crossbows were kept by all men for the defense of the realms. Joyce Lee Malcolm’s book on the 2nd Amendment is cited from an earlier article by this author: “History of America’s Right of the People to Keep And Bear Arms”

“One cannot understand the American Constitution’s 2nd Amendment without first outlining the British theory of citizen arms. It was an ancient practice in England for the people to be allowed weapons, according to Joyce Lee Malcolm in To Keep And Bear Arms, The Origins of an Anglo-American Right. Moreover, it was a demand by the crown that citizens be available for militias, both armed and trained. In fact, there was popular resistance to standing armies, whom did not arrive until the conclusion of the Civil Wars of the mid-17th century. Even afterward, there was a longstanding resistance to them.

There was originally no “right” of British subjects to possess or carry arms. Instead, there was a duty, which existed to the king from time immemorial.
Writes Malcolm,

From “time out of mind” the Englishman had been obliged to add to his other civic duties the dangerous chore of law enforcement. His first responsibility was to defend himself. He was also expected to protect his family and his property against attack. It was assumed he would have the means at hand to do this; and he was held legally blameless for any harm inflicted upon his assailants.

Further, Englishmen were also expected to protect their neighbors, as well. Says Malcolm,

It is natural to expect a man to defend himself and his loved ones, but the Englishman was obliged to protect his neighbor as well. From at least the early Middle Ages, whenever a serious crime occurred villagers, “ready appareled,” were to raise a “hue and cry” and, under the supervision of the local constable or sheriff, pursue the culprit “from town to town, and from county to county,” on “pain of grievous fine.”

The 2nd Statute of Winchester (1285) codified the demand for Englishmen to bear arms to defend themselves and others, stating:
Whereas every day robbery, homicide, & arson are committed more frequently than used to be the case, and felonies escape…it is commanded that every man shall have in his house arms for keeping the peace according to the ancient assize….

In brief, all able-bodied men were held responsible to have arms and be trained in their use for defense of themselves, their family and neighbors, and the homeland. Henry VIII fined those families who had not bought their sons a bow and two arrows, and trained them how to use them, by age 7. Historian F.W. Maitland describes in The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I, how virtually all Englishmen were expected to bear arms: “The state in its exactions pays little heed to the line between free and bond, it expects all men, not merely all freemen, to have arms.” Therefore, England wanted all its men to be armed and assembled into militias.”

Third, Small Arms and other private weapons keep millions of law-abiding Americans safe. And to arbitrarily confiscate and make illegal guns will only make America more dangerous, despite all the propaganda to the opposite.

Fourth: Grave Peril as here we are at a time of great peril in America, and yet we allow our anti-self-defense media to always outline our issues and choose the right response. This must be resisted with all our strength given the media’s default Marxism. Don’t forget 20th Century Marxism killed hundreds of millions of innocent, unarmed people. So what’s the answer?

Mandatory Arms Training: The answer to the repeated bloodletting by crazed, depraved and undoubtedly demonic fanatics is to create a national network of arms training and marksmanship. First, all children would be taught in public school about American history, the Revolutionary War, and how self-armed Americans were the backbone of the Revolution.

Conscription? Then as youngsters grow into maturity, every American would be especially trained in the 2nd Amendment and encouraged to invest in the arms of their choice -- including rifles, pistols, bows, swords and knives, etc. The US must also consider conscription into at least 2 years of military service.

Specific Hostage Training: Finally, there must be specific training for eliminating a crazed gunman which will be most effective if executed by those around these maniacs. For as we have seen, there is no reduction in mass killings despite all the continually restrictive laws. Why? Because everyone knows that when guns become illegal, then only the lawless remain armed.

Our ABSOLUTE DUTY to Avoid Murder: Friends, consider there is an absolute human duty to use self-defense when threatened by deadly force. Because to not resist means that a threatened person unwittingly assists in a murder.

There is also a moral, religious and yes -- Christian duty to protect others when in danger, which can only be inculcated by education and realistic training. As our nation races towards atheism, let’s use our God created Natural and Constitutional Rights to shut down crazed killers and make our great land safer for us and our children, and future generations.

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