How Our Bodies Miraculously Repair Themselves

2 years ago

New findings reveal more accurately how our DNA (often referred to as the blueprint to life) repairs itself. We learn that our DNA requires a lot of upkeep and that God designed it to repair itself. In this Answers News broadcast, our hosts Bodie Hodge, Rob Webb, and Dr. Gabriela Haynes share their perspective on this matter as Bible-believing Christians.

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"For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the LORD." (Jeremiah 30:17)

Aired on April 4, 2022

0:00-0:37 - Intro

0:38-1:47 - Baaaaaaad goats break into Alabama church, shatter glass door

1:48-6:09 - Scientists determine structure of a DNA damage 'first responder'

6:10-10:43 - RNA "evolution" breakthrough offers new clues on the origins of life

10:44-13:13 - “Evolution can occur really, really rapidly”

13:14-17:08 - Snakes’ and Lizards’ Slow and Steady Evolution Won the Race

17:09-22:09 - The Greek Jesus Christ: Apollonius of Tyana

22:10-24:37 - West Virginia passes law barring abortion due to disability on World Down Syndrome Day

24:38 - Christians Face Individual Religious Discrimination in The Workplace for Their Morals, Study Finds

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