Cat Hunting Pigeon completion ,Cat hunted bird

2 years ago

Cats are natural-born hunters, as recent studies of the
effects that feral and indoor-outdoor cats have on bird
and rodent populations have shown. Cats allegedly kill
billions of small animals every year in the United States
alone. But that doesn't make them evil -- just extremely
well-adapted to a carnivorous lifestyle.
Birds can contribute as much as 60% of a cat's diet. To
survive in this world, you have to be alert. In this video, a
cat is sitting with pin-drop silence and this results in
getting a pigeon as delicious food. A cat can either be a
house cat, a farm cat, or a feral cat; the latter ranges
freely and avoids human contact. Domestic cats are
valued by humans for companionship and their ability to
hunt rodents. About 60 cat breeds are recognized by
various cat registries. Mother Cat needs food to feed
kittens and she did it. It's a food chain. Female domnestic
cats can have kittens from spring to late autumn, with
litter sizes often ranging from two to five kittens. Cats
have excellent night vision and can see at only one-sixth
of the light level required for human vision. This is partly
the result of cat eyes having a tapetum lucidum, which
reflects any light that passes through the retina back into
the eye, thereby increasing the eye's sensitivity to dim
light. The domestic cat's hearing is most acute in the

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