Churches lock people they don't want out and they reject God to

2 years ago

Churches are all about themselves now and do not help the poor, the outcasts, the widows or anyone who they do not want part of their church, churches reject God and care more about themselves and trying to earn their way to heaven, then all the people will say Lord Lord did we not go to church all the time and were missionaries and did all this great stuff for you and I will answer them and say I never knew you depart from Me you workers of inquinity!! Then I will say to those on My left and say I was poor and you did not help Me, I was hungry and you did not feed Me, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me and those on His left will say when did we see you poor or hungry or without clothes and I will say you did not help My little ones so you did not help Me at all, churches are all about themselves and care more about being a member of church and giving money to church, the apostles did not set up churches at all or say you must be a church member or go to church all the time, or give money to church, churches are all about themselves, and many church people who thought they were so good and perfect will be left behind and once you get left behind that is it!!

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