News Reels Episode 7

2 years ago

The Law Society says it [the bill] lacks detail and would hand the Governor extraordinary permanent powers. Leaked documents have reportedly revealed ... hefty penalties of up to $75,000 and a two-year jail term planned for any future COVID breaches

Noor Bin Ladin reporting from Switzerland issues a warning that we all must push back against the pandemic treaty and NWO and stop.

Rebel News On the ground - WE LOVE THESE GUYS - please follow and donate

Into The Forum

Alibaba Group president J. Michael Evans boasts at the World Economic Forum about the development of an individual carbon footprint tracker to monitor what you buy, what you eat, and where how you travel.

Klaus Schwab We have to reinforce our resistance against a new virus possibly… or other risks we have on the global agenda

A CNN anchor, the chairman of Credit Suisse, and France's top central banker giddily discuss the arrival of central bank digital currencies within five years at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Australian eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant tells the World Economic Forum we need a recalibration of freedom of speech.

Long standing ovation for Zelensky as he appears in 1984esque style at Davos Annual Meeting 2022.

Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna - binning vaccines

Soros says civilisation may not survive following invasion of Ukraine

Avi Ambushes the Globalists

Dr Vincent Carroll

Imran Ahmad Khan jailed - pedo

Former Federal Prosecutor Explains The Sussmann Trial

Ricky Gervais The new women

Have Faith

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