"Right is still Right, even if you stand by yourself." - Justice Clarence Thomas

2 years ago

Right is Right, Wrong is Wrong...

IF Everybody on planet earth could say that "1+1 does NOT equal 2", that does NOT mean anything because facts are the facts as well as the truth is the truth (Rom. 1:18-24f)

Absolute or Objective Truth/Facts are the only TRUE Truths/Facts; 'Subjective" or "RelativeTruth" is neither a fact or truth; but simply an "Opinion". An "Opinion" by definition is a "Belief that you CANNOT prove as True or Fact". Remember: Any person who lives by their opinions is "Opinionated" ... and here are some synonyms for ''Opinionated" = "Emotional", "Dogmatic", "Biased", or "Bigoted" like MeatHead or Archie Bunker ("All in the Family show).

"And that is the Facts, Jack!"

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