Taiwan, Davos, Primary Day, Broken Borders • Annie Frey Show 5/24/22

2 years ago

TUESDAY: Hans von Spakovsky, Jim Carafano, Matt Hausman

The Durham Probe and the Sussman Trial are heating up. Robby Mook testified that he discussed the now-known-to-be-phony Russia collusion story with Hillary Clinton herself, and she approved the dissemination of it. Hans von Spakovsky updates us on the trial at 12:25pm.

What is going on with President Biden, China, and Taiwan? Seems as though the President and his staff have different understandings of US Policy on Taiwan. We get an update from Jim Carafano at 1:05pm.

Finally, at 1:25pm, we talk with Matt Hausman who is running for the open Congressional seat in IL13. We'll get to know the candidate.

YOUTUBE LIVE CHAT POLL: If Trump's Georgia endorsements are a failure, will is weaken his power of influence?

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