The Physiology of Sin, Part 2 with Dr. Diane Burnett

3 years ago

The Throne Room Under Siege: The Physiology of Sin, Part 2

In our last presentation of the Physiology of Sin, we showed how God’s order of authority in the universe is always the higher power over the lower power, such as the Creator over the created. Sin, or addiction, is always a result of the lower power elevated above the higher power. In our body temple, the higher power is the frontal lobe, and the lower power is the limbic system. Satan’s strategy to overcome humanity is to bring the emotional, survival drive of the limbic system as the decisive drive over the reason and judgment of the frontal lobe. The process in which this is accomplished through the avenue of hypnosis.

In this next segment, we will explore how this tactic (hypnosis) was used in the Garden of Eden through appetite, and has proved an increasingly powerful and successful tactic throughout history. Understanding how media, entertainment, sports, music, food and drink, fear, etc. are tools to accomplish hypnosis is essential in order to be overcomers — something we accomplish by fortifying the mind with divine precepts and the living Presence of God.

About the speaker:

Dr. Diane Burnett was introduced to God’s plan for health, in her mid-twenties. She obtained a medical degree and family practice training at the University of AZ, but has since always practiced lifestyle medicine using natural means. The miracles she experiences watching others recover from brokenness through natural remedies is her greatest joy. Dr. Diane has served as Health Advisor for Native Ministries for NAD, served as Medical Director at Uchee Pines Lifestyle Institute, and has traveled extensively giving health lectures.

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