A Conversation with Cometan & Giulio Prisco | S3E9 | Astroeschatology & The Cosmic Resurrection

2 years ago

Giulio Prisco returns to A Conversation with Cometan for Season 3. The transhumanist and cosmist thinker sits down with Cometan once again for a fascinating deep dive into the concept of a cosmic anastasis, or a far-future resurrection of our human ancestors as one of the many rewards of humanity's exploration of outer space and our civilised expansion to the stars. Indeed, this is the cosmist dream envisioned by Nikolai Fyodorov and his contemporaries but Cometan brings in his own Astronist perspective on the topic by introducing his Astroeschatology. Astroeschatology embodies Astronism's doctrines of the final destination of the soul and humankind among the stars as based on the astrosoteriological dogma of transcension (also called the analipsis).

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