The first American strike drone MQ-9 Reaper arrived in Ukraine.

2 years ago

The first American strike drone MQ-9 Reaper arrived in Ukraine.

The United States has transferred its MQ-9 Reaper tactical attack drones to Ukraine without publicity. At the moment, there is at least one MQ-9 Reaper tactical strike drone in Ukraine, although the number of such can be much larger, as the United States intends to transfer weapons to Ukraine, which are planned to be decommissioned in the coming years .
At the moment, there is no documentary evidence of this data, however, according to the Voenneo Delo publication, earlier there were doubts that the United States would provide these drones to Ukraine.

“The United States handed over the MQ-9 Reaper strike drone to the Ukrainian military. Now this drone is already on Ukrainian territory. This information has not been officially confirmed yet. Previously, experts expressed doubts about the supply of such weapons., - reports the publication "Military Affairs".

Depending on the type of ammunition, the American MQ-9 Reaper drone is capable of striking at distances up to 28 kilometers, and, quite remarkable, the drone is also capable of attacking sea targets at very impressive distances.

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