Get back to Education and Stop the Indoctrination of our Kids

2 years ago

(S1E19) TIFFANY JUSTICE – Moms are engaging in our school systems like never before and are finally being heard. Moms for Liberty is uniting folks and giving them a game plan to remove the radical, politicized materials and curriculum and replacing it with a return to excellence in education.

Meet Tiffany Justice.

Tiffany is the co-founder of one of the fastest growing grassroots organizations called Moms for Liberty that is spreading like wildfire across the United States with over 85,000 members. In 2016 she stepped up to serve for 4 years on the School District of Indian River County, FL School Board. She believes that kids in public school deserve education, not indoctrination. Parents have the right to know about the interference from Unions and Government Bureaucracy that is keeping quality education & innovation from happening in their children's district. She is passionate about America and is dedicated to protecting liberty and freedom for generations to come. Tiffany is a wife and mom of four school-aged children.

Let us know your takeaways. Post on social, tag UFA (@UnstoppableFreedomAlliance) and @Moms4Liberty on Instagram (and to keep the conversation going and get involved.

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