South Africans say "NO to WHO's false plandemic treaty"

2 years ago

Dr. Faiez Kirsten - medical doctor from Cape Town South Africa
"My research into the COVID-19 pandemic confirmed that there is no evidence of an existence of a virus called SARS-CoV-2 which is claimed to be the abuse of this pandemic. Evidence points to the fact that this is a false pandemic which was planned long before it was announced to the world. In fact, COVID-19 is a deception. It is a major strategic move towards a technocratic, transhumanist New World Order. It is a major move by the globalists to usher totalitarianism and to depopulate the planet, and the proposed changes to the National Health in South Africa and the proposed International Health regulations from the World Health Organization is a part of this move. Everything possible should be done, to prevent these proposals from being implemented. We do not consent to any rules, regulations, or statutes which disrespect our God-given rights or which prevent us from exercising these rights. Thank you."

Ricardo Maarman - took the South African government to court to produce proof of the isolation of SARS-COV-2. "Show us the virus" Movement. Johannesburg, South Africa
"I do not consent because no virus has ever been proven to exist, and therefore the current pandemic and previous pandemics we have gone through, are all fraudulent, and therefore the WHO is a discredited and fraudulent institution, and all treaty obligations or interactions that we have with them should be suspended, terminated, and we should definitely not engage in any further agreements with them. In fact, the WHO should be disbanded altogether because they have never shown us any virus to exist, and we should show them the door. Thank you very much."

Moosa - Media Industry, Cape Town, South Africa
"I do not consent to the new global Pandemic Treaty. This treaty will definitely take away our God-Given rights and freedom of movement, our freedom of choice, of what medication we'd like to take, and these are the things that are God-Given. Hopefully these short clips that we are introducing to the world will be able to help everyone to decide whether or not this is the right thing to do. God has given us the free will to choose between good and bad and definitely our innate nature is to choose good. So hopefully everyone will choose that which is truth, and we will move forward as human beings with the respect and kindness towards each other. Thank you very much"

Emma Kelly - Safetech International - South Africa
"I would just like to say to the people we are sending a message to, I don't know if we can really call you 'people' though - we know what the real cause of your plandemic is. We know what is making people sick and it isn't any virus. You have been systematically poisoning us through the water, air, food, as well as radiation from very harmful electromagnetic frequencies, the latest being 5g. We know that at the end of 2019, in Wuhan, 10,000 5g masts were turned on. It was one of the test beds for 5g. We know about the nanotechnology and other despicable items that are in the so-called vaccines. I personally want to say to you, pardon my French but you must be 'bat-shit crazy' if you think the awakened masses are going to fall for any more of your lies and deception. We do not consent to your plandemic treaty. We are sovereign beings. We have God-Given inalienable rights and that is the end of the story."

Ruwayda Mohamed - writer, Cape Town, South Africa
"We do not consent, this video is all about the treaty and the health regulations, we do not consent to any of those things. We were not consulted in any way. Laws have been passed and it is very sad to see how so many people are not even aware of what is happening around them. I'm very afraid that they will probably open their eyes when things turn really, really bad. The WHO is not about health. It is about politics and how to control us. World Health Organization is a self-appointed, private organization. They claim to be experts but they do not respect the qualified colleagues truth. I do not consent. Thank you."

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