Going up? Workers of Iniquity (Expanded Study)

2 years ago

This video project is dedicated to my friends and family who have not repented and trusted Christ as their Savior. Time is short, my friends. Trust the Gospel today; you are not guaranteed another day. Now is the day of salvation (II Cor 6:2).

This is an expanded study with more thoughts and insight from the previous video. Ask yourself. Are you a do-gooder? Do you give to charities? Is that enough before Christ? It's interesting how Jesus calls those who do wonderful works as workers of iniquity in Matthew 7:23. Isn't there a mystery of that in effect now? One day that mystery manifests itself into the man of sin, the son of perdition. This work is part of the "Going up" video project on the Rapture.

3rd Attempt with this.

* All scripture used the King James Bible.

Media elements provided by Envato, WavePad, VideoPad and Microsoft products.

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