Why We Settle For Less

2 years ago

Why people tend to settle for lives and relationships that are less than what they are capable of living and having and what you should focus on so you can reach your full potential.

In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who has been with his wife for thirty-one years. They were married for twenty-one of them. They have two sons together. She left him six weeks ago for one of her co-workers. The worst part is he actually knew this guy from his gym and was friendly with him. She called him on the phone one day to say she was leaving him and that the marriage was over. When he pulled into his driveway she was standing there with her bags packed. He says he would like to work things out and admits he made many mistakes, but acknowledges that it is probably a lost cause. He wants to know what to focus on so he can start meeting and dating new women and to create the kind of life and lifestyle he really wants.

“Most people settle for a life that is less than what they are capable of living. They settle for mediocre jobs, lifestyles, lovers, friends, etc., because they are driven by their fears and tend to do more to avoid pain and failure than they are willing to risk in achieving the happiness and pleasure they really want and deserve. Everyone has a finite number of days in their lives to create and experience their dreams. Someday we will all run out of time. No matter what you do or do not do, you will end up somewhere in the future. Doesn’t it make sense to move towards a future you want and take the risks to get there, instead of trying to avoid failure or what scares you since time is going to pass anyway? In life, you’re either taking action to shape your destiny or you’re a passenger along for the ride who will someday end up at an unhappy destination.” ~ Coach Corey Wayne

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From my heart to yours,

Corey Wayne

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