EP 37- A Planned Collapse?

2 years ago

In this episode I ask the question: Is all of this being done on purpose? Every day Americans are seeking answers for the deteriorating state of our Union. It seems that a lot of what is happening is being done on purpose.
- I lay out the strategies being used & show how if someone was trying to transform a nation, this is exactly how they would do it.
- I go over the transformation of the Democratic party & their leap towards radical ideologies & anti-American sentiment.
- I show the lies & policies being laid out by Democrats & Joe Biden. I also show the evidence of how old Joe is doing the exact opposite of what he should do during a crisis.
- There is that & so much more that people need to see so that we can understand what we are up against & how we can fight back.


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Intro Music by BenSound.com

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