2 years ago

Monkey Pox SCAPEGOAT: WHO Global Pandemic Treaty....

For the covid vaccine induced PV Auto Immune Disease. There are cases now being reported online since February 2022 of this occurring By Pub med doco's NIH, and such. Just over a year into the CV19 Global Vaccine program peoples immune systems are being destroyed and they are now presenting with PV.

Blame it on everything but the Covid Bioshot. Monkeypox, Shingles, Chicken pox, Smallpox, when in reality it is PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS.

The Elite are laughing after they promoted Sodomy LGBTI Q into infinity (Gay Marriage 2015 USA) to only now seemingly stigmatize the (wicked lifestyle choice) with being responsible for Monkeypox. Hilarious. But don't say a word about AIDS or now Monkeypox and Gay sodomites you'll be labelled a homophobe and a Bigot. Bit of a paradox there.

Monkey Pox Endemic to Africa since its discovery 1950's has not been linked to Sodomite Sex (MALE TO MALE) but rather linked to Animal to Human transmission.

WHO Health topic paper on Monkeypox November 2020 in transmission fails to mention anything about sexual transmission of Monkeypox.

Like Covid the elite are just make it up as they go along... The official Narrative.
Lie after double down Lie.... Covid and now Monkeypox.

Bill gates these past few years has warned us of a incoming Smallpox like virus being released by terrorist's. Well it's come now.... The Global Elite are the terrorists.

King James Bible Book of Revelation Gods Judgment Trumpet 5 is the future event that this mirrors for those who do not get physically saved/spared at the opening of the 6th seal Rapture event.

All those alive Globally at the time of the 5th Trumpet judgment will suffer 5 months with bites of Demon Locusts with the sting of scorpions and will seek Death and not find it. As a judgment from God for their Rebellion and wickedness and unrepentant sinful hearts. The wrath of God abides on you if you Know Not God and his only begotten Son Jesus the Christ.

The whole worlds population at that time will suffer these stings except the sealed 144,000 people who come from Heaven to evangelize the world during Great Tribulation.

Tough times ahead better get a Authorized King James Bible and the Evidence study Bible and get stuck in....

Those that claim to seek Truth.

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