He Married Her But Never Married Me Why? (Lucky Escape Mix)

3 years ago

#narcissist #narcissism #hgtudor
SPOKEN WORD VERSION HERE https://youtu.be/x_Zn212gbBY

Why does the narcissist behave in a particular way with one victim and then different with another victim?
Why might the narcissist plaster his social media with pictures of you and him, but not do the same with your replacement? Why might the narcissist never marry you in 10 years of being together and then marry your replacement within 6 months? Does the narcissist see fault in you and not them? Does the narcissist view them as better or worse than you? What is behind this behaviour? Let HG Tudor explain.

Consult https://narcsite.com/private-audio-consultation/
Narc Detector https://narcsite.com/narc-detector-2/
Empath Detector. https://narcsite.com/empath-detector/
Knowledge Vault. https://gumroad.com/tudorhg
More information. https://narcsite.com
Email : narcissist1909@gmail.com

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