Cop Lies. Gets Owned. ID Refusal. I Don't Answer Questions. Walk Of Shame. Andover. Police. Mass.

3 years ago

This was On Sunday December 13th 2020 at approximately 15:40 outside of the Pfizer biotechnology and manufacturing company in Andover Massachusetts. Due to recent events and Pfizer being in headlines I decided to take a trip over to see if there was any hustle and bustle going on.

Pfizer has been in the headlines in recent months due to the Cov!d vacc!ne. Recently the vaccine has given side effects of Bells Palsy and some other very questionable effects or suggestions after getting the vacc!ne. They have spoken about it possibly shedding and not to ask questions if old people die soon after getting the shot.

It took about 15 minutes or more for security to approach me. That is probably because it was not busy at all. It was surprisingly quiet and did not make sense for what was hitting the headlines. The security guard from securitas played it Well saying that Pfizer wanted to work with the press. He soon contacted the manager who contacted the police.

2 police showed up on scene and started making claims that were inaccurate and very dangerous to somebody that does not know their rights or laws.They tried to identify me and were very unprofessional. Let me know what you think of the interactions down below in the comment section!!!

I am very grateful and thankful for all the support, from comments, shares, emails, messages and to the few with the generous donations!!! I appreciate all of it so much and can't wait to give you so much more content starting in January when I head to Florida!!! Until then I will be hitting the Boston and Northshore of Massachusetts Hahhd!!! Donations are humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!

"Residents cannot put up a 'No Trespassing' sign at the front of a private way," he said. "The public has the right to pass on it. People think of 'private' in the sense of something being exclusive. But it's really private in that it has not been accepted as a public way, with public standards. It does not mean exclusivity. Being a way, it's open for the public to pass.

CashApp: MassAccountability44

Bells Palsy:

vacc!nation happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vacc!ne, not because it has anything to do with the vacc!nation:

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