2 years ago

Nothing says summer like a cool sweet treat! This time lets revisit three cool retro summer desserts that are appropriate anytime, but most loved as cool summer refreshment! A couple of these were actually called "salad" back in the day and even if that doesn't sit well with you, it's all good because these are delicious no matter if you serve them as a dessert, a festive side or as a take along to your favorite family get together! Classic Jell-O cake is easy and refreshing and a favorite in my family growing up and as my kids grew up. Ambrosia "salad" is a festive sweet and satisfying creamy dessert style salad that will help you get your retro on and last but not least the Watergate salad will not have you impeaching the cook, but actually praising them! These all employ simple, easy to find ingredients that may make you feel like you are living in the past, but trust me, these are a fantastic way to revisit that sweet, sweet nostialgia of summers gone by!

You can find printable versions of all these recipes here;

Jell-O Cake: https://bit.ly/3a9Tt3r
Ambrosia Salad: https://bit.ly/3G6ox05
Watergate Salad: https://bit.ly/3PBVaqB

Get my cookbooks here: http://bit.ly/1czqM5R

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