The Real Reason For High Gas Prices Isn’t What You’ve Been Told

2 years ago

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If you’ve been to the local gas station recently, I’m sure you’ve noticed the rapidly rising gas price that everyone's been talking about.

If you watch the news, or listen to the mainstream media, they’ll tell you that the rising gas prices and inflation across all sectors is all Putin's fault, right?

In this video I break down all of this, as well as:

🔥 Highlight the truth that the mainstream media aren’t telling us about the war.
🔥 Explore whether the US has a way to lower gas prices.
🔥 Explain what comes next.

And most importantly how you can protect yourself from these rising gas prices that’re hurting people all around the world.


0:00 Intro
1:54 Warning
2:49 Fuel and Energy prices are SOARING!
3:31 The American people have been misled
4:43 Straight from Biden's mouth
5:21 The mainstream media blame game
6:32 The Price of Oil
8:52 The Price of Gas
10:20 Is Inflation Putin's Fault?
12:00 Money Supply
14:05 Biden's attack on the US Oil & Gas Industry
17:02 What our central planners have in store for us
18:46 The Uncommunist Manifesto
19:58 The Solution
20:39 Outro

The Uncommunist Manifesto by Mark Moss & Aleks Svetski -

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