Pass Kidney Stones with No Pain

2 years ago

Kidney stones can be incredibly painful and they are also incredibly easy to treat with facial reflexology!

I was just at a get together with friends and one of my friends was experiencing kidney stones and was in quite a bit of pain. Within just a few minutes, she was completely pain free. I did the protocol on her again before we left for the night even though she wasn't feeling pain at that time.

If you or someone that you know gets kidney stones, even occasionally, please teach them this trick. It's incredibly useful and often eliminates the need for pain medications and surgery!

I've used this on many people and every time, they experience almost immediate relief. While it's common for some of the pain to return, just do the protocol again and again until it's completely gone.

The kidneys are associated with the emotion of fear so notice where in your life fear is creeping in and how it's affecting you.

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