The simple things

4 years ago

People tend to get caught up
In the trappings of everyday life
A bigger house for the family
A nicer car for your wife

The never ending battle
To make a few more bucks
Tends to take a backseat
To enjoying floating ducks

I must admit for half my life
The dollar was my master
Until one day I realized
The world was spinning faster

You may not know this but it's true
That you control the brakes
Can you be happy with a pond
Or must you have a lake

I’ve found an easy way
To slow this world back down
Finding joy in simple things
Around my life abound

Coffee in the morning
On the front porch in the sun
It may seem far to boring
But it’s the lottery I’ve won

Walking through a parking lot
It’s a part of every life
But somehow it seems special
When I hold hands with my wife

A sunset in the evening
Sun filtered through the trees
The squirrel and the tree frog
Hummingbirds and bees

These simple little pleasures
That money can not buy
The need for more can bury
Beneath the clear blue sky

So stop and take a moment
To calculate your wealth
You have more than you know
Even if it’s just health

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