ALDEBARAN MYSTERY: Nazi UFO Secrets Documentary - (Please read description for more info)

2 years ago

(Note: THE BLACK SUN. Something or some force is leading me down this road of realization. I have had a recent rash of video clips that involved the Mandela Effect and now all the current Ukrainian issues with Neo-Nazis and the symbolism used, namely the Black Sun, as shown yet again in the above video clip and in the thumbnail above. Back in March 2020, I was playing at my last mass (it was the first or second Sunday of Lent before I was laid-off as a church musician because of the Covid restrictions) and a couple of hours before mass I started having symptoms of an aural migraine that I get from time to time, but not up to that point for many years. A strange phenomenon where you get random flashing light patterns in your field of view before the onset of a bad migraine headache. If I quickly take a Tylenol and lay down in a dark room it passes in a couple of hours without the resulting migraine. In this case it wasn’t random or a coincidence. For the sake of space, I believe this phenomenon is linked to your pineal gland and in this case, I had a fully resolved pattern of the Black Sun symbol in my field of view. At the time I had no idea what the pattern was, but reminded me of a symmetrical crop circle pattern. Later I spent hours researching crop circles and sure enough I found the exact pattern with even the distinct angles of the pattern facing the same direction. I believe that the Covid plandemic, death vaccine, NWO agenda and recent Ukraine events all have to do with the Neo-Nazis and these Black Sun occult Satanists. The key is what is being done in secret there involving all these corrupt politicians and the like. Gene Decode speaks at length about this Nazi cult still runs both the off world and everything on earth here, however I believe not for long, in this spiritual warfare, as these criminals and enemies of humanity are exposed. Marcum MyCatholicRedPill)

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May 21st, 2022.

THE BEINGS FROM ALDEBARAN “gave” the Nazis the key to free energy technology and they built saucers giving them a tactical advantage during WWII which would have allowed them to win the war… Then they told them “don’t use it” to win yet…wait..,So the Nazis pretended to “lose” the war and let Germany fall while they abandoned ship and defected via PROJECT PAPERCLIP to Russia the U.S., and UK and Israel, Argentina and a few other countries… Avoiding being prosecuted as war criminals at Nuremberg. Then they took over NASA and our space program. Then they infiltrated all governments of the countries listed above and the U.S. became the 4th REICH.
Now they have infiltrated the medical establishment using their scientists and taken over WHO and now plan to finalize the WORLD GOVERNMENT… Do you see a pattern here? They also returned and made a deal with our secret space program to buy Africa to move their people to… in exchange for helping us terraform and colonize other earthlike planets…
Then they released COVID only the first in a series of bioweapons to kill off as many humans as possible and connect those who survive to the BORG AI under full control as part of a transhuman agenda… Again do YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE? Pattern recognition is a sign of intelligence by the way…
The beings from Aldebaran appeared as typical uber nazis…blond hair blue eyes, tall….but to infiltrate Africa they changed their skin color to blend in… eyes and hair… turns out they are likely Reptilian-humanoid hybrids… their history on Earth going back to Sumeria just like the Anunnaki who are also humanoid reptilian hybrids…
Even conventional scientists admit there are BILLIONS OF EARTHLIKE PLANETS out there….
And the humanoid form is common throughout the megaverse…
The Pleiadians are humanoid nordic looking some have dark hair etc … they have been battling the DRACO REPTILIANS FOR CENTURIES…we are related to them and it turns out most humanoid species come from the LYRAE constellation in this area of the universe….
The Anunnaki went rogue from Pleiades and were then invaded by the Draco-Reptilians.. and so became Reptilian-Humanoid hybrids
The Draco Reptilians are said to be a marauding species searching to conquer planets and take over the beings there turning them into hybrids, using them as food, sex slaves and traffic them to other star systems…
They conquered Earth (which they consider one of their homeworlds)… by using their Humanoid Hybrids.. races like the Anunnaki and Aldebarans

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