If you react to PAIN, you LOSE

3 years ago

#pain #flinch #flinch
If you flinch too hard you lose! In this challenge B Lew and J test their will against pain to see if they can go TEN LEVELS without reacting to the pain! Who will win?
We rank pain for science curiosity and entertainment with the help of actual medical professionals! Please leave the pain ranking to us! Thanks!
The ten levels in this video are:
1. Eating extremely hot sauce! 2. Touching your eyeball! 3. Rubber bands! 4. BIGGER rubber band! 5. Hammer on the toe! 6. Getting a rope burn on the neck! 7. Tennis ball to the kidney! 8. Worse Hammer to the toe! 9. Fly Swatter across the face! 10. FULL SEND WOODEN SPOON!

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