100 Mystery Punishments, One of Them will KILL YOU!

2 years ago

#100mystery #challenges #punishments

First to say NO loses in this 100 mystery punishments challenge!


Ask us anything!
Instagram @PainRankers

Spoonful of Sour Cream

Mild Kick to Shin

Tweeze One Nose Hair

Indian Burn

Slap On Wrist

Put Five Ice Cubes down pants

Five bandaids ripped off

Spit wad to face

Pluck All your toe hair

Flicked in the ear

Wet Willie

Hard Spank to the Butt

Eat half Tomato

Chew up whole raw egg
(shell included)

Snow Face Dunk

Shot of Vinegar

Bite of Tomato

Rubber band to Face

Wax Leg with Duct Tape

Fill underwear with snow

Kiss other Pain Rankers Toe

Wear other Pain Rankers Sock
on Nose for 3 minutes

Full send Flyswatter to
the Belly

Stuff nose with Bananas

Stack 100 lbs on Toe

Let other pain ranker bite you
Kicked in butt by other pain ranker

Dump Nasty Smoothy on Face

One Leg Lego Jump

Drop Tape Measure on Toe
Waist height

Run Through Field
Barefoot in snow

Get a Yeeted Snowball into back

Eat a Bite Orange Peel

Hardest Purple Nurple
You ever had

Pinched With Pliers

Drop 45 Lb Plate on Toe

Be a Baby Bird

Eat Whole Tomatoe

Eat Mouthful of Onion
3 ft away Disc to
the Shin

Give other Pain Ranker
Your Loved Possession

Spill Coffee on Pants

Thumb Tack in forearm

5 Star to the Thigh

Eat a Raw Potato

Five nose Hair Plucks

“whoops cut” in hair

Huge Sniff of Pepper

Whipped By a
Wet Towel

Wedgie that rips your underwear

20 RubberBand
Slaps in the same spot

Sand Knuckle for 3 seconds
With Orbital Sander

You can't eat until
Lunch Tomorrow

Rake Hand down log
(must receive sliver)

Burn Favorite Shirt

Chew Chiltepin
Pepper 10 times

Full Send Belt whoopin

Pierce Ear

Swallow Spoonful of

Shave EyeBrow

Sliver up Fingernail

Gorilla Glue all
Over chest

Hold Hot Coal
for 5 Seconds

Shave Head

Let Other PainRanker
Post anything on Social
Media No Explaning

Drop Piano On Your

No food For 24 Hours

Pepper Sprayed

100 MPH Slap to
the Face

Other Pain Ranker
Chooses Contact you
have to call them a “stooge”.

Insist Everyone Call
You “Pokie” For 1

Awful Rope Burn
on Hands

Whipped With an
Extension Cord

Two Spoonfuls of Sour Cream

Tablespoon of Hot Sauce

Stub Toe

Snowball to Face

I like Cut G with Spatula

Drop Hammer on Foot
From Waist

Touch Electric Flyswatter

Hard punch to gut

Dunk Head in Snow 20 SEC

Walk on Legos with knees

Spell Rotten Milk 30 sec

Tased in Leg

Kicked in nuts other PainRanker

Drink full glass Rotten Milk

Kick toothpick into wall
Eat PepperSpray

Smash Thumb with Hammer

Cinnamon Challenge

Knock on Neighbors door
and bark like dog

Go skydiving without parachute

Hammer tack into thumb

Cheese grate your knee

Slam door on hand

Eat other Pain Ranker's

Brush Teeth with Toilet Water

Toes get cleated

Eat only Veggies 1 week

Full send 5 star to bare back

Lay in snow 2 mins

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