DEEP PLACES IN CHRIST by Dr Michael H Yeager

3 years ago

“Most believers are scratching out a shallow living on the surface of life while others are Diving Deep into God and Discover the real Mysteries of the Kingdom” - There needs to be a deep craving for more of Christ because there is so much more of Him to be had! - I believe we can go so Deep in Christ and His Word that we no longer Live, But it is Christ Living in and through us! - There is a place where your hunger for God, your love for God, your desperation for God is so deep that people can literally smell it, hear it, experience it, and see it in you! - The only time I really feel alive is when I am looking deep into God's eyes. Breathing in his presence. Touching his heart.- The disciples were so deep into Jesus that they forsook everything to follow him. How deep are you?

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