Zetetic News Cast Episode 33: CALL IN SHOW 1-855-877-5112

2 years ago

CALL IN LIVE 2-5 EST 4/1/2022: 1-855-877-5112

For the auspiciously numbered episode 33 we will be introducing for the first time a "Call In" toll free number which will become an integral component of Zetetic.News casting going forward!! Thanks to @bigdog1111 we signed up for callinstudio.com which provides a very basic but effective digital switchboard! This feature is sponsored by the zetetic.news guardian node Tfuel earnings as part of our initiative to be the first next generation news network powered by the #Thetanetwork !!!

We will be taking calls on *anything under the sun* but will carve out some time to reflect on the life and legacy of Jordan Maxwell on the truth movement in the wake of his recent passing.

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