Big Tech Bans "Trumphobic" Hate Speech

3 years ago

What if Trump made a religion?

Does anyone doubt there wouldn’t at least be a few thousand people willing to convert?

And then once the Church of Trump becomes an established religion with thousands of followers, a temple, and its own holy book with Trump as the Last Last True Prophet then based on the “Terms of Service” of social media companies no one would be allowed to criticize Trump and his followers ever again in our digital townhalls!

Because you’ll be labeled “Trumphobic!” 


End of rational discussion.

“You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”

You see, it wouldn’t matter if Trump became a pedophile by consummating a polygamous marriage with a 9-year-old girl, owned sex slaves, robbed caravans, killed enemies, advocated for the death penalty of apostates/gays/adulterers, encouraged beating “arrogant” wives, cursed hair extensions/alcohol/tattoos/music, proclaimed a woman’s opinion one-half a man’s in financial transactions, wedded his daughter to his first cousin, promised 72 “transparent” virgins and “beautiful” young boys for martyrdom, or made countless verifiably false statements about science, if you criticize the perfect human then you could be labeled Trumphobic and therefore be banned.

After all, there are over 50 verses in Trumpology’s Holy Book telling us to take the Last Last True Prophet as a role model. God says, “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example to follow.” — Chapter 33, Verse 21

47: 33 Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and do not let your deeds go to waste.

58: 20 Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger are among the lowliest.

A follower must either basically endorse everything the most perfect human did because after all who are you to sham the Last Last True Prophet or you acknowledge he wasn’t perfect and therefore, in my opinion, you're no longer be a true follower of the faith. We should have the courage to live by our convictions or the courage to acknowledge they were wrong.

In a rational world, we’d rebuke anyone who believed such a human was the closest thing to perfection.

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