The Sequel to the Fall of The Cabal Part 23 - Murder and Mayhem in Hospitals

2 years ago

This brave and courageous researcher/truther has another power packed expose on the outright murder of people in the hospital under the guise of Covid-19.

I can personally attest to this being true - I lost one of my closest friends because the hospital he was admitted to did exactly the wrong thing - ignored the protocolsal that work - ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine - and placed him on a ventilator with the George Soros weapon Remdesivir and he was gone in 8 weeks.

If you've never seen any of the Fall of the Cabal, you don't have the complete picture. See the first ten parts here:

Then, look at the follow up sequels. Rather then put links here that may not be good in the future, just go to and search for "sequel to the fall of the cabal." There are 20 + videos that speak the truth.

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