Bonnie H Cordon | Oct 2021 General Conference | Come unto Christ and Don’t Come Alone | Faith To Act

3 years ago

Come unto Christ and Don’t Come Alone

By Bonnie H. Cordon

Young Women General President

The best way for you to improve the world is to prepare the world for Christ by inviting all to follow Him.

I recently received a letter from an inquisitive young woman. She wrote: “I am stuck. … I’m not sure who I am, but I feel I’m here for something grand.”

Have you ever had that searching feeling, wondering if Heavenly Father knows who you are and if He needs you? My dear youth, and to all, I testify the answer is yes! The Lord has a plan for you. He has prepared you for this day, right now, to be a strength and force for good in His mighty work. We need you! It simply will not be as grand without you!

Under sacred circumstances, our beloved prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, once reminded me of two simple truths that are foundational to your grand and glorious work.

As I sat on the couch with my husband, our prophet pulled his chair over, almost knee to knee with us, and looked at me with his piercing blue eyes. I wasn’t sure if my heart was racing or had completely stopped as he called me to serve as the Young Women General President. He asked a question that still echoes in my heart, “Bonnie, what’s the most important thing the [youth] need to know?”

I pondered for a moment and said, “They need to know who they are.”

“YES!” he exclaimed, “and they need to know their purpose.”

Our Divine Identity
You are a cherished, beloved child of Heavenly Father. He loves you so perfectly that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for you and for me.1 The Savior’s love for us is unfailing—even when we fail! Nothing can separate us from the love of God.2 Remembering this love can help you push back the confusion of the world that tries to weaken your confidence in your divine identity and blind you of your potential.

At an FSY conference, I met two young women who had been struggling. Both young women mentioned turning to her patriarchal blessing to rediscover the Lord’s love and guidance for her personally. Find your patriarchal blessing, blow off the dust if you must, but study it often. If you don’t have one, get one—soon. Don’t delay finding out what the Lord wants to tell you now about who you are.

Our Eternal Purpose
President Nelson’s second truth spoken to us that day is to know our purpose. This is our grand and noble charge.

Many years ago, my son Tanner was about five years old when he played his first soccer game. He was thrilled!

When we arrived at the game, we realized that his team was using a regulation-size soccer goal—not some little pop-up goal but a very large net that seemed way too big for five-year-olds.

The game took on mythic proportions as I saw Tanner take the goalie position. I was so surprised. Did he really understand his purpose in guarding the net?

The whistle blew, and we became so caught up in the game we forgot all about Tanner. Suddenly one of the opposing team members got the ball and dribbled it swiftly toward him. I looked in Tanner’s direction to make certain he was ready to stand his ground and defend the goal. I saw something I was not expecting.

Jack Anderson
At some point in the game, Tanner had become distracted and began weaving his left arm through the various holes in the net. Then he did the same with his right arm. Next, his left foot. Finally, his right foot. Tanner was fully entangled in the net. He had forgotten his purpose and what he had been entrusted to do.

Jack Anderson
While Tanner’s soccer career didn’t last long, his lesson to me that day will never fade. We all occasionally get distracted from why we are here and divert our energies somewhere else. One of Satan’s most powerful weapons is to distract us with good and better causes which, in times of need, may blind and bind us away from the best cause—the very work that called us into this world.3

General Conference Saturday Morning Session October 2021

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