Sharon Eubank | I Pray He’ll Use Us | Oct 2021 General Conference | Faith To Act

3 years ago

I Pray He’ll Use Us
By Sharon Eubank

First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency

Small efforts collectively make a big impact, magnifying the many individual things we do as disciples of Jesus Christ.

This cookie made of phyllo dough and pistachio nuts is a thank-you. It was made by the Kadado family who, for decades, owned three bakeries in Damascus, Syria. When war came, a blockade stopped food and supplies from reaching their part of the city. The Kadados began to starve. At the height of this desperate situation, Latter-day Saint Charities and some very courageous staff at Rahma Worldwide began serving a daily hot meal, along with milk for the little children. After a difficult time, the family began their life—as well as their bakery—once again in a new country.

Recently, a box of cookies arrived at the Church offices with the following message: “For more than two months, we managed to get food from the Rahma–Latter-day Saint [Charities] kitchen. Without it we would [have] starve[d] to death. Please accept this … sample from my shop as a small token of thanks. I ask God the Almighty to bless you … in everything you do.”1

A cookie of gratitude and remembrance. It is meant for you. To all who prayed after watching a story on the news, to all who volunteered when it was not convenient or who kindly donated money to the humanitarian fund trusting it would do some good, thank you.

Divine Responsibility to Care for the Poor
The Church of Jesus Christ is under divine mandate to care for the poor.2 It is one of the pillars of the work of salvation and exaltation.3 What was true during the days of Alma is certainly true for us: “And thus, in their prosperous circumstances, they did not send away any who were naked, or that were hungry, or that were athirst, or that were sick, or that had not been nourished; and they did not set their hearts upon riches; therefore they were liberal to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, whether out of the church or in the church, having no respect to persons as to those who stood in need.”4

The Church responds to this charge in a wide variety of ways, including:

the ministering we do through Relief Society, priesthood quorums, and classes;

fasting and the use of fast offerings;

welfare farms and canneries;

welcome centers for immigrants;

outreach for those in prison;

Church humanitarian efforts;

and the JustServe app, where it’s available, that matches volunteers with service opportunities.

These are all ways, organized through the priesthood, where small efforts collectively make a big impact, magnifying the many individual things we do as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Prophets Have Stewardship for the Whole Earth
Prophets have charge for the whole earth, not just for members of the Church. I can report from my own experience how personally and devotedly the First Presidency takes that charge. As needs grow, the First Presidency has charged us to increase our humanitarian outreach in a significant way. They are interested in the largest trends and the smallest details.

Recently, we brought to them one of the protective medical gowns that Beehive Clothing sewed for hospitals to use during the pandemic. As a medical doctor, President Russell M. Nelson was highly interested. He didn’t want to just see it. He wanted to try it on—check the cuffs and the length and the way it tied in the back. He told us later, with emotion in his voice, “When you meet with people on your assignments, thank them for their fasting, their offerings, and their ministering in the name of the Lord.”

General Conference Saturday Evening Session October 2021

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