Dear Lil Nas X: Stop The Satanic Contrarianism

3 years ago

Lil Nas X has been in the public consciousness recently. First, he released MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name), a music video rife with religious iconography paired against lewd acts. In the music video, Lil Nas X lapdances the devil and replays the story of Adam and Eve. Shortly after the release of this music video Lil Nas X released the "Satan Shoes" brand, shoes with a pentagram on the laces, a drop of human blood in the sole, and Luke 10:18 on the side of the shoe. Lil Nas X also feuded with Kristi Noem and Pastor Mark Burns over the satanic imagery he's selling with his new product. As of March 29th, Lil Nas X's "666 Satan Shoes," of which 666 pairs were produced, sold out immediately. Mr. Watson addresses a personal message to Lil Nas X in this video, asking him to stop his satanic contrarianism and think deeply about the message he wants to exhibit in his videos. Mr. Watson, a black conservative, defends religious traditions against the sacrilegious opportunism of Lil Nas and asks his viewers to consider how they can truly be themselves without falling into Lil Nas's trap.

#LilNasX #LilNasXSatanicShoe #ChristianConservative #BlackConservative #Libertarian #BlackLibertarian #LilNasSatan #LilNasXSatanic #LilNasXMontero #MonteroCallMeByYourName #LilNasXSatanicShoe #LilNasShoe #SatanShoe #BloodInShoe #SatanicFootwear #Philosophy #Conservatism #Libertarianism #Politics #AmericanPolitics #Culture #TheBible #Luke1018 #SatanShoes

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