Elongate And the Hillary Hoax (Ep. 408)

2 years ago

The guys open the show discussing the trial of Hillary Clinton's campaign lawyer, Michael Sussman.  They specifically focus on the comments made by her 2016 campaign manager, Robby Mook.  Mook testified that Hillary Clinton, along with top Clinton aides (i.e., John Podesta, Jake Sullivan, Jennifer Palmeri), agreed to share unverified data falsely tying the Trump Organization server to Russia's Alfa Bank. 

This led to a conversation about Elongate, where Elon Musk has been accused of exposing himself to a flight attendant on his private plane in 2016 and offered to by her a horse in exchange for an erotic massage.  Elon challenged his accuser to describe physical traits of his genitals (i.e., scars, tattoos) that isn't publicly known.  The timing of this scandal comes days after Musk labeled Democrats the party of "division and hate," and also calling out Hillary Clinton campaign hoax. 

The second half of the show focuses on a middle schooler accused of sexual harassment for refusing to call a non-binary classmate by the preferred pronoun.  The guys discuss the consequences of this and how parents might address these issues with their kids.  They tie in personal stories of high school and look at the difference between handling bullying now versus 20 years ago.

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