Jim Willie Interview #2

2 years ago

Vaccine Implied Consent
Commandeering the Rights of Parents
Vaccine Induced AIDS
Gene Therapy Deception
Human Meat In Food Supply
Putin Rescuing Children
Ukraine Intel
UN Rejects Russian Evidence From Biolabs
Benevolent NT Assistance
Depravity of SRA
NATO Developments
Military Action in Central America to Take Down Cartels
CIA Controls the Drug Trade
CCP Attempt To Colonize West Coast
Newsome Interrogation and Execution
Look Alike Contests
China Commentary
CCP Will Fall
Mt Weather Intel
AI War
EBS Scenarios
WH Focus Groups
Disclosure Analysis

Patriot Switch is a grassroots movement that’s helping families switch their shopping to American Made. Join over 2 million shoppers that have made the switch. By switching we are taking market share away from the Big Conglomerates that are trying to control where we shop and what we spend our hard- earned money on. These Big Corporations don’t have our same values and many of the products they manufacturer have toxins and harsh chemicals that cause us harm and are not safe for our environment.

Are you ready to Make the Switch? Find out how you can switch – www.PatriotSwitch.com – Referral code is Patriot Underground

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