Lion of Judah is very angry with the dead church people and wicked

2 years ago

Then there will be great tribulation that the world has never seen or ever will see again!! Then at midnight the bridegroom arrived and the 5 wise bridesmaids entered and the door was shut and the 5 foolish bridesmaids banged on the door and the bridegroom said who is it! And they said let us in we got oil and He said no I don't know you at all, for the Lord will come from heaven with a shout and voice of an archangel and trumpet blast and the dead in Christ shall rise first and meet the Lord in the air and those of us who remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord, then people said Lord Lord did we not go to church all the time, were missionaries, did all this great stuff for you and I will answer and say depart from Me for I never knew you, I know your deeds and you are not hot or cold but lukewarm I wish you were one or the other but since you are lukewarm I will spit you out of My mouth, you say I am rich I do not lack for anything but in fact you are wretched, pitiful, blind and naked and come to Me and I will give you mud to put on your blind eyes, clothes to cover your nakedness, Jesus is not the baby in the manager anymore He is the Lion of Judah and is very very angry!! He will snatch only His bride and leave everyone else left behind and it is up to you to decide between Jesus or the antichrist!! Those who got the vaccines are enemies of God and will be destroyed!! You all will get the worst of the wrath on you because you worship the antichrist and will kill anyone who doesn't worship the antichrist, you are wicked satanic people and no nephilim in heaven at all!! Nope you are banned from heaven forever! And it is the lake of fire for all those who got the vaccines!! And give them out! God will crush all His enemies and will not be nice about it! Those who got the vaccines will get the microchip and the antichrist knows who you are, you see the antichrist is not stupid at all and once you get the vaccine you belong to the antichrist beast world forever you bowed down to Satan and there is no going back for you at all!! You made your choice and will regret it forever, demons will torment you and sting you, you will get boils on yourselves, the sun will sorch you with very very hot heat, after the tribulation ends Jesus will send out His angels and will bind you all up and throw you into the lake of fire or kill you all for worshiping the antichrist!! You are on the loser side and losers lose so sorry those who got the vaccines!! It is war between God and Satan and you all are on Satan side and he is so happy you got the vaccines before he owns you forever and like Adam and eve got kicked out of the garden you all are kicked out to, you are banned from heaven forever!! And the New jersalem!! Nothing impure shall enter or does anything shameful or decietful but only those whose names are written in the Lamb book of life shall enter, if you reject Jesus you will see Him as your Judge and it will not be fun for you!! He will say Gabriel is the name Christie in the Lamb book of life! No Lord it is not, Christy you acted like you knew Me but never did you lived your whole life as a lie you went to church but you went to mock Me and you lied, stole, got drunk, slept around with men , you were a hypocrite and you never repented ever one thing I hate most is a hypocrite and a liar depart from Me you worker of inquinity go into the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his angels for I never knew you!! Jesus will say this to so many people and you can't defend yourself before God!! If you say I never lied God I went to church all the time I was a good person, He will say out of the heart comes wicked thoughts and no one is good no one for all have sinned, you can't defend yourself before a Holy God and it is written in stone at the great white throne judgement and it will happen after armoggeon is over, it is war now between God and Satan and God will be cleaning house and He will get rid of all the wicked and fake dead church people and will not be nice about it!! He will be cleaning house so you better decide what side you are on if you get left behind!! God side or the antichrist side, there is no middle ground in the tribulation period at all

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