Call of Duty WW2 Multiplayer Map Aachen Gameplay

2 years ago

"Urban warfare in the Battle of Aachen. Long-range gameplay down the dangerous streets mixed with up-close engagements through war-torn structures."

Secret Message
During the private beta, a Spotify barcode was added to the map. Using the Spotify app, the barcode led to an audio message called "Intercept Dog". The message ended with two letters in morse code repeated five times

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. The prosperous have broken all ties. No tiger will make it north before the leopard wakes. The spots are on the move. Your prosperous stand is 30 kilometers away. All ties severed. We pray for Neptune and wait for your arrival as mother tiger sleeps. GHGHGHGHGH"

#callofduty #callofdutyww2

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