NIGHT OF THE BLOODY APES 1969 Gory Remake of Doctor of Doom from 1963 - TV AD CLIP & Full Movie in HD

2 years ago

NIGHT OF THE BLOODY APES 1969 (aka La Horripilante Bestia Humana in Mexico) - Essentially a Gory Colorful Remake of "Doctor of Doom" in which a doctor tries to save his son's life with heart transplant, the donor being a gorilla. The young man turns into a violent hybrid beast. There are wrestling women & cop boyfriends once again.

This is a TV Ad Clip, you can watch the Full Movie in English & HD on our channel, Mexican Horror here:

We also have on this channel the original Doctor of Doom and its Sequel, Wrestling Women vs The Aztec Mummy. (Subscribe to this channel and my others as some videos are not monetized and/or not searchable)

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