Dr. Hansen interviews Matt Shea, Former State Rep. WA St. on OmegaManRadio with Shannon Davis

2 years ago

Dr. Hansen on OmegaManRadio with Shannon Davis interviews Matt Shea, Former State Rep. WA St., Senior Pastor (Matt shares about his trip to Poland and a rescue mission to bring 60 orphans from Ukraine into Poland - Ukraine is the largest Christian nation in Europe - Ukraine military is well trained and have destroyed over one-third of all Russian tanks in the present conflict - Russia has suffered such severe loss so they are threatening nuclear war and broadening the conflict - The left tried to tie Trump with Russia to foment hatred of Christians, conservatives and patriots for blame in WWIII and then arrest them - Fifth generation warfare uses narratives to push thought/ideals - Roe v. Wade being overturned nationally will force decision in each state - Wars start because Christians aren't involved in politics - Abortion is sin and so is homosexuality and also brings judgment - God's judgment follows evil/sin - Putin has done more to rebuild a new Soviet empire - In the 1611 KJV Bible Apocrypha, 2 Ezdras speaks of Caesars; Roman, German, Russian - China did a military drill surrounding Taiwan & plans to attack - Russia appears to be preparing to invade Transnistria - Pope is backing an increasingly aggressive Germany - Putin, like Stalin is killing his own people that don't agree with him - Biden's office of "Truth" is a communist tactic/tool to squash truth - since beginning of 2022 16 food processing plants have had major accidents disabling them causing food shortages - Roe v. Wade overturned by SCOTUS will reveal those who worship Molech that agree bringing judgment on America - Matt Shea, Former State Rep. WA St., Senior Pastor, On Fire Ministries & Kingdom Christian Academy)
2022-05-27 (Radio Air Date)

World Ministries International
Dr. Jonathan Hansen - Founder & President
Rev. Adalia Hansen

(360) 629-5248

P.O. Box 277
Stanwood, WA 98292


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