The Origins of Oil - falsely defined in 1892

2 years ago

Oil is NOT a fossil fuel and AGW is non-science
We all grew up believing that oil is a fossil fuel, and just about every day this ‘fact’ is mentioned in newspapers and on TV. However, let us not forget what Lenin said – “A lie told often enough becomes truth.”

Conventional wisdom had it for a long time that oil and gas was formed from the remains of plants and animals buried millions of years ago. Now we know that oil and gas can be formed abiotically through subterranean heat and pressure, and that the Earth contains a virtually endless supply – oil is the new ‘renewable’ energy.

Oil Is NOT A Fossil Fuel - It Is Abiotic
oil is abiotic, not the product of long decayed biological matter. And oil, for better or for worse, is not a non-renewable resource. It, like coal, and natural gas, replenishes from sources within the mantle of earth. This is the real and true science of oil. Read all about it.

CO2 is to plants as Oxygen is to Mammals.
CO2 is NOT a pollutant.
“Carbon is the building block for all life on earth. It provides all of the food and most the energy for the human race. Carbon dioxide is a tiny part of the atmosphere, yet it sustains all life on earth. It is NOT a pollutant. To be anti-carbon is to be anti-life and anti-human”. – Viv Forbes, Pasture Manager, Soil Scientist and Geologist

It would be impossible for life on earth to exist without carbon. Carbon is the main component of sugars, proteins, fats, DNA, muscle tissue, pretty much everything in your body. The reason carbon is so special is down to the electron configuration of the
individual atoms

Dr Patrick Moore, former Green Peace founder. CO2 is essential to all life on earth.

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