Vitamin D Deficiency & Poor Western Health - Miyagi Mornings Episode-78

3 years ago

If you like this video and this type of thing you will love my podcast at Today’s podcast will follow up on this episode of Miyagi Mornings. We will be interviewing Dr. Jordan Somerville author of The Optimal Dose. The Show will be episode-2847 and should be live no later than 3PM central on 3-31-21.

If you made me boil down the majority of heath issues in the US for everything from chronic disease, lifestyle illness and even viral infections, I would narrow it down to only two factors. The first would be the SAD (standard American diet) including the version people consider “healthy”. The second would be a global pandemic in the form of Vitamin D deficiency.

Books and Resources that go with this Video I recommend you read the books in the order listed…

The Optimal Dose by Judson Somerville M.D.

The Miraculous Results of Extremly High Doses of the Sunshine Hormone D3 By Jeff T. Bowles -

How Not To Die With True High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy by Tiago Henriques -

Also the Most In-depth Podcast I have ever done on this subject was - Episode-2698- Almost Everything the Government Says about Health and Nutrition is a Lie -

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