Rare WW2 T67 Gun Motor Carriage Footage.

3 years ago

Rare WW2 T67 Gun Motor Carriage Footage.

In 1941 it already became clear the army needed a fast an nimble tank destroyer, the M10 was still to slow and heavy and the later and newer M36 Jackson was essentially an M10 with a bigger gun.
So in 1942 a prototype designed by General Motors, which had a lower profile than the M10 GMC,
and would be called the T42 37mm Gun Motor Carriage.
The vehicle performed well, but because the amy decided to withdraw the 37mm and 57mm guns from the tank destroyer force, the vehicle would be redesigned to fit a bigger gun, the vehicle also performed well but would be replaced by the new T67, this vehicle would have had the M3 75mm gun that was also used on the early M4 Sherman tanks, but he army wanted again a bigger gun, so i was redesigned to carry the M1 76mm gun, the vehicle preformed again pretty well and would have seen production, if it wasn't for the introduction of the T70 prototype, which would be standardized as the M18 76mm Gun Motor Carriage, or like many people like to call it the Hellcat.

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â–  Information obtained from several sites.
â–  Wikipedia
â–  tanks-encyclopedia
â–  the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers
â–  preservedtanks
â–  pantser.net
â–  the.shadock.free.fr/Tanks_in_France

â–  Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

â–  Music used:

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