Miniature food expert creates impressive meals using TINY COOKWARE and CUTLERY

2 years ago

A miniature food expert has amassed millions of views on social media by creating impressive meals using TINY COOKWARE AND CUTLERY.

Ranjitji Thakor, a 28-year-old YouTuber and Influencer from Gujarat, India, is behind the Mini Kitchen India accounts.

Ranjitji was inspired to start creating miniature foods by his brother, 26-year-old Sanjay Thakor, also from Gujarat, India.

In 2017, Sanjay came across a YouTube video of a miniature food cooking channel and asked his brother if he’d be interested in creating something similar.

The videos show Ranjit preparing various multi-cultural dishes from scratch such as vegetable spring rolls, Oreo cakes and milkshakes, Chinese fried rice, a South Indian-themed platter and even a full fried fish.

Ranjitji uses miniature equipment and utensils he finds from various online retailers and second-hand selling sites on a 1:12 scale.

The mini versions of foods are handmade by Ranjitji and Sanjay from food given to them by their father who is a farmer.

All of the Mini Kitchen India videos are filmed at his at-home studio in Gujarat and earn him over $2,000 a month.

He said: “It was not an easy road.

“I could not afford to buy miniature cookware or a miniature stove when Sanjay suggested it to me.

“But it did not discourage me - I worked hard and saved money to collect all the miniature kitchen parts I needed.

Ranjitji is thrilled with the positive reaction he has received from his millions of worldwide viewers.

He said: “It’s simply been amazing.

“I have been able to have incredible sponsorships from some great brands.

“Now, I make a living doing what I love and sharing it on Facebook, Instagram, TkTok and Youtube.”

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