Tucker Carlson STRUGGLES To Distance Himself From Buffalo Shooter

2 years ago

Tucker weakly deflects accusations he influenced the Buffalo shooter by making the incredibly disingenuous argument that anyone who criticizes Joe Biden is labeled a racist.

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Tucker Carlson the fox news host and Marjorie Taylor Greene are I mean in many respects within the system in which they operate almost indistinguishable. granted tucker Carlson probably has slightly more access to Donald Trump. has dined with more republican presidents than Marjorie Taylor Greene and maybe slightly you know has more access. but they're both I mean they're the there's they are instrumental in developing the talking points for the republicans. Here's Tucker Carlson.
Are you someone who thinks that Joe Biden knows how to handle inflation? did that rattle your confidence rather than bolster it then honestly there's nothing we can do for you at this point. you're beyond reach. you know what you are and you may have seen this coming you're a racist. That's what we call people who continue to ask complicated long questions about Joe Biden's economic program. they're racists! and getting rid of them is America's greatest problem.
Here's MSNBC to remind you that Mitch McConnell won't come close to delivering the condemnation of white supremacy that Joe Biden did today. because because they make a part of the Republican coalition. I mean, what is the explanation for why not? this is always what the right does to appease the white supremacist movement by saying hey free speech. don't touch speech. extremism and white nationalism which is not only on the rise in the far dark corners of the internet. but the rhetoric in you know tamer version an attenuated version I say is now pretty mainstream in the republican party.
Did you hear that from the combat guy? Free speech is white supremacy, says Chuck Todd. it's white supremacy free speech. talking out of turn reading your script rather than the one that chuck todd provides you is white supremacy. and that means if you're upset about food shortages or blackouts you're a racist.

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