IF Australia Govt signs us over to the W.H.O - Australia is a goner !!

2 years ago

STAND NOW or there will be nothing left.

If you CHOOSE to get the V@ccine to protect yourself and others..
Although it doesnt stop getting it NOR Spreading it....
so by getting it you reeallllllly arent protecting anyone.. including yourself..
That is YOUR Choice..

Because you made that choice willingly by yourself...

Pick ANOTHER EXAMPLE ... like going to BONDI beach....

Imagine if you lived in Bondi for 5 years....
And he Government told you..
SORRY.... only people that have lived here for 10 years can now go to the beach...... because there is too much rubbish on the beach
( with there being options of hiring waste cleaners picking sh!t up on the beach.. more bins... etc.. you know.. sensible / easy options )

And you must now get a Microchip in your hand that opens a boom - gate to the now private Bondi Beach... and the chip may mess with your brain waves or make you vomit every day for the rest of your life...
( .. i dont know... some random. far out example. that YOU would be pissed about.. ) .. some bad thing happens if you get the RFID chip in ya hand... STAY WITH ME....

How would YOU feel ??
Robbed.... what if you moved in 5 years and one day... and you dont WANT the micro/. nano chip in your hand...

That's how we "Anti V@xxers" feel right now..
remembering.. now after the long term .. and severe massive amounts of short term side effects and deaths from the jab, are coming in..

Weird that the Un-V@xxed aren't dying hey.. and look a lot healthier than those that have been boosted..


The Election was Rigged.

How can a GLOBAL Corporation... Nothing more than a big business, like the World Health Organisation TAKE CONTROL OF AUSTRALIA...

AND then let the rigged election leaders and DODGY vote counters allow our " UN-ELECTED" - Treasonous - Unlawful - Privately Owned Corporate Australian Government--- HAVE THE VOTE over us all.....

WE NEED A REFERENDUM CALLED.. to stop a NEW CORPORATE Constitution being brought in.

and our sold out - bribed -- EVIL NON!!!! NON Elected "leaders" that threw us over board in the 80s in this country wioth
Bob Hawke - Australia ACT -- ( yay he can skull a beer.. F@CK OFF BOB )
John Howard - pulling off and planning port arthur to get our guns.. and hiding other Prime Ministers on the SUPPRESSION ORDER hiding a WHOLE heap of high profile Aussie PEDOS... Keating - Nicole Kidman's Dad, etc etc )

If you dont get WE ARE F@CKED if this goes through and this DODGY RIGGED ELECTION... where minor party votes are being trashed..
or still using pencil?? WTF


Never been so worried for AUSTRALIA in my life...


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