Common Well being part 2 Commonwealth Custodians

2 years ago

What is the "Commonwealth of Australia"?

The people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, and Western Australia humbly relying upon the blessing of Almighty God, in good faith made a social compact with each other to unite into a Federal Commonwealth under the name of The Commonwealth of Australia.
It is the people who make a social compact under natural law by way of a constitution to delegate some authority to offices for the good governance of the affairs of the Nation under a public trust.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, where the people have given their consent to offices to have some form of authority that will enable it to serve the common good of the people.
Any office that is not created by a constitution has no authority over the people of the nation as it lacks consent, people can only be governed when they give their fully informed consent.

“…for the truth is the supreme, absolute, uncontrollable authority remains with the people.” – Quick and Garran annotated Constitution, p. 286.

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